So the common question asked 'what is your work about' what is the narrative.. and who is RATIO. Untouched by any formal art education having grown up in the beauty of the countryside it was when I moved to the city I was captivated by the wall graffiti, torn posters adverts for club nights, graff tags, fashion and street culture.
My practice is a reflection on this – its all intuitive its all about feeling .The mood but will always begin with my studio filled with good beats Blunt in hand then the journey begins.
Those walls we walk past on our daily are covered with so many layers it's a reflection on our own lives how we are made up layer upon layer those cracks appear layers peel away a new beginning.
My paintings mirror those walls those memories. You only really get one chance to view one part of the wall and you can now leave your own imagination to see the rest and that's why they become personal
You the viewer will have to fill those voids with your own thoughts, memories, emotions, from your own mind and if they invoke a memory.A thought a feeling an emotion then my paintings have succeeded.
I don't paint because I want to share the beauty I seek to create and share something despite it may not remind us all of something beautiful however something meaningful.
"The painterly passion and physical power of his abstraction and pure expressionism the grit of the street all the visual sounds the protest of secretly graffitied messages resonate through his surface language its sheer joy" Janus Avison
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